Time Difference Calculator
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Historical Moments
First Moon Landing
20,229 days agoFall of the Berlin Wall
12,812 days agoEnd of World War II
28,969 days agoUS Declaration of Independence
90,736 days agoFirst Message on ARPANET
20,128 days agoFirst iPhone Released
6,371 days agoWikipedia Launch
8,727 days agoFirst Human in Space
23,250 days agoFirst Personal Computer
15,823 days agoWorld Wide Web Invented
13,054 days agoDid You Know?
The concept of time zones was first proposed by Canadian railway engineer Sir Sandford Fleming in 1879. He suggested dividing the world into 24 time zones, each one covering 15 degrees of longitude. This system was gradually adopted worldwide and is still in use today, with some modifications to accommodate political boundaries.